It begun to get really chilly and Santa is probably getting his reindeer ready, so if you haven’t written your wish list, this is certainly the time to do it. I thought about mine, but I couldn’t really make up my mind what to ask for and so the list is rather long and with many options.
If Santa would not have any financial limitations, certainly I hope this is the case, then I would go pro all the way. Number one on my list is the Phase One IQ260 with a 645DF+ body and some of those beautiful Schneider leaf shutter lenses. Why the IQ260 and not the IQ280 you ask? The IQ260 is a breakthrough product. Although the resolution is a touch lower it sports the best long exposure on the market, at 60 minutes noise free photographs with 16-bit brilliant color and 13f stops of dynamic range. With this product Phase One beat itself, as the previous winner for long exposures was the P45+.