2015 IISW Awards

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Here is the list of the awards presented at last weeks IISW 2015:

IISS Exceptional Lifetime Achievement Award
This Award is made to a member of the image sensor community who has made substantial sustained and exceptional contributions to the field of solid-state image sensors over the course of their career. (Established 2013). The first recipient ; Gene P. Weckler (2013)

2015 Recipient : Dr. Jaroslav (Jerry) Hynecek
“For the invention and development of significant advances in solid-state image sensors including the VP-CCD, impactron, and BCMD devices”

(Jerry Hynecek received his Dipl. Ing. In EE from the Czech Technical University in Prague in 1962 and Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve in Cleveland Ohio in 1974. He joined Texas Instruments in 1976, becoming a TI Fellow in 1990. In 1998 he founded ISETEX and has consulted for several companies. He has published 61 papers and holds 126 US Patents, and among other awards, won the 2003 Walter Kosonocky Award for the Impactron CCD. He has worked on image sensors for most of career, and his seminal work on pinned CCDs and the use of impact ionization is reflected in most of today’s image sensors. He has also served our community through nearly 10 years of editorial work at IEEE TED, as well as technical program committees, and at IISW.)

IISS Pioneering Achievement Award
The Board of Directors of the International Image Sensor Society (IISS) is pleased to announce the creation of a new award, the Pioneering Achievement Award.
This new award is to recognize a person who made a pioneering achievement in image sensor technology, and judged by at least 10 years of hindsight as a foundational contribution.

2015 Recipient : Peter J.W. Noble
“For seminal contributions to early years of MOS image sensors”

(Peter Noble first worked in sensor arrays starting in May 1966, and rapidly developed the basics of MOS based active pixels and self-scanned arrays, now known as image sensors. The first was a simple 7 pixel linear array, then worked through a range of sizes. He set up his own company in the late 60’s and showed the first working moving image system using a 4,916 pixel square array in the early 70’s. For this his company was awarded the Queen’s Award for Technology in 1974. Throughout he looked at and developed other operating systems experimentally, some not published at the time. The company also made and supplied a variety of sensor arrays and systems. His overall ambition was, and still is, being able to give to blind human beings the ability to see well enough to appreciate the world around them. Peter Noble is a consultant to major companies on the strategy combining technology trends, economics and global situations. He is author of two books, and many papers, articles and patents.)

Walter Kosonocky Award
The Walter Kosonocky Award is presented bi-annually for THE BEST PAPER presented in any venue during the prior two years representing significant advancement in solid-state image sensors. The award commemorates the many important contributions made by the late Dr. Walter Kosonocky to the field of solid-state image sensors. Founded in 1997 by his colleagues in industry, government and academia, the award is also funded by proceeds from the International Image Sensor Workshop.

2015 Recipient : “A 1/4-inch 8Mpixel Back-Illuminated Stacked CMOS Image Sensor” ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 484 - 485, Feb. 2013.
Shunichi Sukegawa(1), Taku Umebayashi(1), Tsutomu Nakajima(1), Hiroshi Kawanobe(1), Ken Koseki(2), Isao Hirota(1), Tsutomu Haruta(1), Masanori Kasai(1), Koji Fukumoto(1), Toshifumi Wakano(1), Keishi Inoue(3), Hiroshi Takahashi(1), Takashi Nagano(1), Yoshikazu Nitta(1), Teruo Hirayama(1), Noriyuki Fukushima(1)
1 : Sony, Atsugi, Japan,
2 : Sony LSI Design, Atsugi, Japan,
3 : Sony Semiconductor, Kumamoto, Japan

Best Poster Award
The best poster presentation is selected by the participants of the IISW.

2015 recipient : “Analysis and Reduction of floating Diffusion Capacitance Components of CMOS Image Sensor for Photon-Countable Sensitivity
Fumiaki Kusuhara, Shunichi Wakashima, Satoshi Nasuno, Rihito Kuroda and Shigetoshi Sugawa, Toholu University, Japan

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