Lumotive Presents Smartphone LiDAR

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EETimes: Lumotive, a Seattle-based LiDAR startup, expands its offerings to smartphones:

"With samples available in the fourth quarter of this year, the Lumotive X20 and Lumotive Z20 LiDAR systems target the automotive and industrial automation markets, respectively. Lumotive’s M20, addressing needs of the consumer and mobile markets, will be introduced in 2021.

The X20 targets long-range automotive applications with range over 120 meters in bright sunlight and a 120° x 30° field of view. The Z20 will have a shorter range (~ 50 meters) but an expanded 70° vertical field of view to address industrial and short-range automotive needs.

Looking for alternative applications beyond the slowing automotive market, Lumotive finds inspiration in Apple iPad LiDAR and designs a mobile version of its LiDAR:

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