Yole Webinar on Status of CIS Industry in 2024

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Yole recently held a webinar on the latest trends and emerging applications in the CMOS image sensor market.

It is still available to view with a free registration at this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3603702579220268374?source=Yole+webinar+page

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The CMOS image sensor (CIS) market, which is projected to grow at a 4.7% compound annual growth rate from 2023 to 2029, growing to $28.6 billion, is undergoing a transformation. Declining smartphone sales, along with weakening demand in devices such as laptops and tablet computers, are key challenges to growth.

We forecast that automotive cameras and other emerging applications will instead be the key drivers of future CIS market growth. Technology innovations such as triple-stacked architectures and single-photon avalanche diode-based sensors are improving performance, enabling new applications in low light and 3D imaging, for example, while high dynamic range and LED flicker mitigation are key requirements for automotive image sensors.

This webinar, co-organized with the Edge AI + Vision alliance, will discuss how CIS suppliers are focusing on enhancing sensor capabilities, along with shifting their product mixes towards higher potential value markets. Our experts will also explore how emerging sensing modalities such as neuromorphic, optical metasurfaces, short-wave infrared and multispectral imaging will supplement, and in some cases supplant, CMOS image sensors in the future.

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