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From TechCrunch News and MojoVision Blog:
The Bay Area-based firm [MojoVision] announced a new prototype of its augmented reality contact lens technology. The system is based around what Mojo calls “Invisible Computing,” its heads up display technology that overlays information onto the lens. Essentially it’s an effort to realize the technology you’ve seen in every science-fiction movie from the past 40+ years. The set-up also features an updated version of the startup’s operating system, all designed to reduce user reliance on screens by — in a sense — moving the screen directly in front of their eyes.
[The] new prototype of Mojo Lens incorporates numerous industry-first features, including the world’s smallest and densest dynamic display, low-latency communication, and an eye-controlled user interface.
The company continues to work with the FDA to help bring the tech to market as part of its Breakthrough Devices Program. The company also announced previous partnerships with fitness brands like Adidas Running to develop workout applications for the tech.
MojoVision Blog:
TechCrunch Article:
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