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UCLA Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics is hosting a 3-day workshop "Computational photography and intelligent cameras" in February 4-6, 2015. This workshop is intended to serve as a gathering place for all those interested in theories, algorithms, methodologies, hardware designs, and experimental studies in computational photography. The confirmed speakers include:Amit Agrawal (Amazon Lab126), Richard Baraniuk (Rice), David Brady (Duke), Robert Calderbank (Duke), Lawrence Carin (Duke), Ayan Chakrabarti (TTIC), Oliver Cossairt (Northwestern), Kristin Dana (Rutgers), Paolo Favaro (University of Bern), Carlos Fernandez-Granda (Stanford), Mohit Gupta (Columbia), Wolfgang Heidrich (KAUST), Kevin Kelly (Rice), Pascal Monasse (ENPC), Kari Pulli (Stanford), Ramesh Raskar (MIT), Neus Sabater (Technicolor), Guillermo Sapiro (Duke), Sabine Susstrunk (EPFL), Yohann Tendero (UCLA), Pauline Trouvé (Onera), Jack Tumblin (Northwestern), Ashok Veeraraghavan (Rice).
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