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Brookman Technology delivers engineering samples of 33MP, 120fps BT3300N for 8K Super Hi-Vision broadcast, which was co-developed with NHK and Prof. Kawahito's Group of Shizuoka University. BT3300N is said to be the only image sensor (as of January 2016) that meets the full specifications of the Super Hi-Vision (8K, 120fps) and its optical format is Super 35mm. The new sensor is based on 3.2um pixels and features 14b 2-stage ADC.8K Super Hi-Vision is set to begin test broadcasting in 2016 and roll out full broadcasting by 2018.
Brookman BT3300N |
MarketWired: Silvaco announces that Brookman has adopted Silvaco's power integrity tool suite InVar Power-IR-Thermal for the design and development of its CMOS sensor products. InVar Power analyzes dynamic power consumption; InVar IR analyzes voltage drops in power sources and signal networks; and InVar Thermal performs thermal analysis at the full chip level. Concurrent observations of power, IR and thermal make it possible to perform real-time analysis, considering the effect of heat generation.
Brookman Technology's President, Satoshi Aoyama, stated, "8K standard demands the challenging specs to sensors, which are 33Mega-pixel resolution, 120 frames/second speed and 12-bit image gradation. This large and high-speed sensor is facing the issue of voltage drops so critically that the analysis by InVar IR is extremely helpful. In addition, as for the problem regarding the degradation of image due to intra-chip heat generation, we expect that InVar Thermal contributes effectively to the shortening of development TAT, as well as the improvement of design quality."
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