Ams Unveils SPAD ToF Sensors

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ams OSRAM is expanding its portfolio of dToF modules with three new devices for multi-zone and multi-object detection with a wider FoV and extended range. The multi-zone dToF modules TMF8820, TMF8821, and TMF8828 allow for a precise distance measurement.

The TMF8820 divides the FoV into 3x3 or 9 individual detection zones, the TMF8821 into 4x4 or 16 individual detection zones and the TMF8828 into 8x8 or 64 individual detection zones. With multi-zone detection, it is possible to identify where an object is located within the sensors FoV. These new devices feature a dynamically adjustable FoV up to 63°, enabling customers to select either a narrow or wide FoV to meet their application needs. All th
ree dToF modules have a detection range from one centimeter up to five meters.

The modules combine a 940 nm VCSEL, a SPAD array with matching multi-lens optics, and an on-chip microcontroller for histogram processing in one device. Thanks to the compact dimensions of 2.0 mm x 4.6 mm x 1.4 mm, the modules are said to be the smallest multi-zone dToF modules available on the market.

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