Image Sensors World Go to the original article...
We are pleased to introduce a new feature of the ISW blog, an archive of data sheets and other documents related to image sensor products. A recent survey of blog readers indicated that many of you would like access to a location where both historical and current data sheets, application notes, test data and other documents describing image sensors released to the market are available for download. The new archive will provide this.
Image sensors have been made by over 200 companies since manufacturing began in the early 1970s and new ones appear almost every day now. I will attempt to both fill in the past and keep the archive current but catching up will take a while. Please comment if you have priorities you would like me to consider. Also comment if you have recollections that might interest the newer members of the image sensor community.
All of the documents will be stored on a Google Drive account with open access. This means that documents that are export-controlled, mostly for thermal sensors, will not be included. To get to the Drive folders, you need only to click a company link on the blog post that comes up when you select "Image Sensor Documentation" from the list on the left of the blog front page. Download whatever you like.
If you have anything you would like to contribute, send me an e-mail and we can make an arrangement. While we are interested in more than just data sheets, we can't post any company confidential information even if the company is out of the image sensor business or no longer exists.
As I add new companies to the archive, I will post announcements with a link to the company folder and a little background on the company. Again, feel free to comment if you have something interesting to add. Note that the companies and their documents will be identified by the company name in use when each sensor was introduced. Thus, companies like OnSemi may have products under other names going all the way back to Photobit or IMEC or Kodak.
The first company up is Texas Instruments, active 1978-2011, making virtual-phase and electron-multiplying sensors invented by Jerry Hynecek. The post with the link to the TI documents is here.
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