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In order to eliminate the delays involved in reproducing jobs listings in detail, the method of reporting is changing. Starting today, this Jobs Update will be a report on job listings rather than the listings themselves. Even in the apparent slowdown in the job market, the number of listings is still quite large and the backlog of listings that might be of interest is much larger.
To manage this situation, we will proceeds as follows: for the next few weeks, the posting will focus each week on a small number of employers with multiple openings. Relevant job titles with their locations and original listing links will be posted. The job descriptions will no be included simply because they are all so long - click the links to see the details. Please note that we will attempt always to link to the original listing on the employer website, not to job boards.
Weekly job lists in ISW will continue to have individual links for four weeks but since many jobs remain unfilled longer than that, the older postings will be held in an archive for a year. The link to the archive is positioned below the four week links.
Initially, some of the postings may be several months old but, at some point, our listings will catch up with the backlog and each weekly posting will include only recent additions.
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