ESPROS Announces BSI ToF Imager

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ESPROS announces epc660, a BSI 3D-TOF imager with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. epc660 is an integrated SoC combining high-QE BSI CCD pixel array and complete control logic to operate the device, an integrated LED driver, capable of driving more than 200mA peak current, and a high-speed 12-bit parallel video interface. The sensor speed is 66 TOF frames per second at QVGA resolution or up to 1000fps in "advanced operation modes." The advanced CCD pixel architecture is said to be the enabler for camera systems that can tolerate ambient light levels of up to 130Klux. Depending on the system design, a resolution in the millimeter range for distances up to 100 meters is said to be possible.

The epc660 features various modulation schemes on-chip, such as frequency hopping, random modulation, and CSMA/CD. There is also a dedicated modulation input that can be externally fed with any desired modulation signal.

Source: ESPROS Nov. 2014 newsletter.

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