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The CIS market is back to strong growth: Are we at the beginning of the much-awaited sensing era?
The image sensor market struggled through a mixed 2021 but appears to have emerged strongly positioned. Could 2022 be the beginning of strong growth on the back of sensing applications?
In this webcast we will explore what the next few quarters and years hold for the CMOS image sensor (CIS) industry, including market demand, industry revenue and capacity.
This webcast will take a quick look back at 2021 to review the recent history of CIS before focusing on the near and mid-term prospects for the CIS industry. It will also cover market dynamics, supply, and pricing, with particular focus on answering the question, “Are we at the beginning of strong growth on the back of sensing applications?”
Prophesee releases its entire event-based vision software suite for free, including commercial license, further enabling community of thousands of Engineers and Researchers Worldwide
New release of 5X award-winning suite includes a complete set of Machine Learning tools, new key Open-Source modules, ready-to-use applications, code samples and allows for completely free evaluation, development and release of products with the included commercial license.
With this advanced toolkit, engineers can easily develop computer vision applications on a PC for a wide range of markets, including industrial automation, IoT, surveillance, mobile, medical, automotive and more.
“We have seen a significant increase in interest and use of Event-Based Vision and we now have an active and fast-growing community of more than 4,500 inventors using Metavision Intelligence since its launch. As we are opening the event-based vision market across many segments, we decided to boost the adoption of MIS throughout the ecosystem targeting 40,000 users in the next two years. By offering these development aids, we can accelerate the evolution of event-based vision to a broader range of applications and use cases and allow for each player in the chain to add its own value,” said Luca Verre, co-founder and CEO of Prophesee.
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